Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pre term labor

The reason i have not posted in a couple weeks is I have been dealing with Alli figuring out that a baby is coming and that her world is about to be different. I have finished my nursery and Alli is now in a big girl bed. She will stay there til 2-3 in the morning then she is pulling my hair at the side of the bed to get in with me. Also, I thought pre term labor would escape me this time but it seems both of my babies want out too early. I went to the hospital on monday night. I was having 3 contractions per 10 minutes. ouch! So they gave me two shots of trebutaline and sent me home 6 hours later. now i have to take it easy which Im not good at and take the trebutaline when contractions start. Ill try and keep up with blogging but when I am feeling good I have other things I need to do before my sweet babe comes.


Julie said...

Make sure you stay down even if it's hard. Anything is better than a baby in ICU. Just ask me and Jennifer! Get a good book and put up baby gates to contain Alli and let everything else go. Good luck!

Kateastrophe said...

I had so much fun playing with Alli tonight and I'm SO glad you and James got to have a little date! Now I'm getting all excited for our little adventure on Saturday!!

Bethany said...

Bummer about the pre-term labor. Part of me always wanted to be on bed rest so that I would have an excuse to not do anything. Does that make me crazy :) Just lay down and eat as much as you want...and enjoy it ;)

Webster Family said...

Glad you are doing okay. Keep that baby in there as long as you can, even if it means a pretty boring life for you:)That will all change when she comes. I am sure that Alli will be a great big sister!

amyjohnson said...

Hi Joanne! I hope you are doing better! I saw your mom today at the salon and she said you are having a hard time with the bed rest. Take care and good luck. Amy (Gies) Johnson

Nicolle said...

Oh bed rest sucks! You are like me and cant sit down, especially when there is a million things to do! Ok go to my blog cause Kristi Thacker just found me! So crazy i havent seen her in 10 years. Her new last name is lewis! Hope you are doing good cant wait to see this new baby!